Buy Aromasin from Canadian & International Pharmacies
Aromasin (Exemestane)
and/or alternatives-
Aromasin 25mg from $3.70 USD/tabletAromasin 25mg
Manufactured by: Pfizer
Product of Australia. Shipped from Australia
RxPrescription Required
Aromasin 25mg is also available from United KingdomAromasin 25mg from $6.10 USD/tabletAromasin 25mgManufactured by: Pfizer
Product of United Kingdom. Shipped from United Kingdom
RxPrescription Required
Exemestane 25mg from $1.82 USD/tabletExemestane 25mg
Generic Alternative to Aromasin
Manufactured by: Pfizer
Product of New Zealand. Shipped from New Zealand
RxPrescription Required
Exemestane 25mg is also available from CanadaExemestane 25mg from $2.94 USD/tabletExemestane 25mgGeneric Alternative to Aromasin
Marketed as Med-Exemestane in Canada
Manufactured by: Jamp Pharma Corp.
Product of Canada. Shipped from Canada
RxPrescription Required
Basic Information On Aromasin
Aromasin is used to treat estrogen dependent breast cancers in postmenopausal women. It lowers the levels of estrogen produced by the adrenal glands and reduces the growth of tumors. The Aromasin drug is mostly used as a second line treatment when other drugs have failed to contain the spread.
Precautions / Side Effects For Aromasin
Aromasin or Exemstane produces side effects that are directly linked to the reduction of estrogen levels. Hot flashes, headaches and joint pain are commonly encountered by women. These side effects are usually mild. Many women also experience moods swings and depression. Sleep disorders are also common. A complication that can develop due to brand or generic Aromasin treatment is osteoporosis which can lead to frequent fractures. Supplements to nourish and strengthen bones are prescribed to prevent this condition.
Exemstane is prescribed only for women post menopause as it acts on estrogen produced from the adrenal glands and not the ovaries (as in women who are still menstruating). It can impair reproduction in fertile women and can harm unborn babies. Liver problems have been associated with brand or generic Aromsin, but liver failure is rare. Individuals with liver metastases are more likely to have liver side effects which are evident from elevated levels of liver secretions in blood. The use of this drug, like other treatments for cancer, puts individuals at a slightly elevated risk for other cancers like that of the liver and kidneys. If you are on this medication for cardiovascular problems you have to report this to your doctor. Aromisin can cause changes in blood pressure and rarely heart conditions like a blockage.
Aromasin Dosage
The recommended dosage of Aromasin is one 25 mg tablet to be taken once every day after a meal. For patients suffering from advanced breast cancer, Aromasin treatment should continue till the tumor progression is evident. The recommended dosage of Aromasin for patients using potent CYP 3A4 inducer like phenytoin or rifampicin is 50 mg to be taken once daily after a meal. According to the experiments with exemestane at repetitive doses up to 200 mg every day that established a moderate increase in non-fatal adverse events, dosage of Aromasin did not appear to be changed or altered.
Buy Aromasin From North Drug Store
When you buy Aromasin from North Drug Store, you can buy with confidence. We stock Aromisin 25 mg tablets in both brand and generic form.
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