Buy Betoptic S from Canadian & International Pharmacies
Betoptic S (Betaxolol Hydrochloride)
and/or alternatives-
Betoptic S Preservative Free 0.25% from $1.29 USD/doseBetoptic S Preservative Free 0.25%
Manufactured by: Alcon Laboratories UK Ltd
Product of United Kingdom. Shipped from United Kingdom
RxPrescription Required -
Betoptic S 0.25% from $4.57 USD/mlBetoptic S 0.25%
Manufactured by: Novartis
Product of United Kingdom. Shipped from United Kingdom
RxPrescription Required
Betoptic S 0.25% is also available from CanadaBetoptic S 0.25% from $5.40 USD/mlBetoptic S 0.25%Manufactured by: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc
Product of Canada. Shipped from Canada
RxPrescription Required
Basic Information On Betoptic S
The Betoptic S drug belongs to the beta blockers family of drugs and is prescribed to relieve the pressure in the eye for patients suffering from glaucoma. It is also known by the chemical name Betaxolol. The medication lowers the internal pressure in the eye and is used to treat such cases caused by open-angle glaucoma. In certain rare cases, individuals affected by high pressure in the eye known as ocular hypertension, are also prescribed these drops by the physician.
Precautions / Side Effects for Betoptic S
The Betoptic S drug on application to the eye is absorbed into the blood stream and it is therefore extremely important that you inform your physician of any history of diabetes, asthma, overactive thyroid or any cases of heart and respiratory diseases. Careful monitoring and dosage adjustments of Betaxolol are required in such cases by the physician. It is also required that you inform your healthcare physician for any possible problems related to blood vessels or stroke before the application of brand or generic Betoptic S. Do not follow medication if you have any known allergy for any of the labelled ingredients or to dyes, preservatives or animals.
It is best not to use during brand or generic Betoptic S when pregnant or breast feeding, as the effects of the medication during these periods have not been clinically established. The drug Betaxolol interacts with many known medications and is hence advisable that you inform your doctor for any other drugs that you are currently taking. Tobacco and alcohol also interfere with the Betoptic S with undesirable effects and hence it is required to abstain from them during the duration of application.
Betoptic S Dosage
The recommended dosage for Betoptic S is one drop twice daily in the affected eye. It can be used either alone or along with another intraocular pressure controlling drug. Care needs to be taken that the top of the dropper in the dispenser does not touch the eye to avoid any kind of infection. Some patients might also have a problem in keeping the liquid in the eye immediately after application and care needs to be taken to prevent premature drainage from the eye. The eye drop dispenser can be stored in temperatures between 2°C to 25°C (36°F to 77°F) and in an upright position. Ensure that you shake well before usage of the medication.
Buy Betoptic S From North Drug Store
North Drug Store has ready availability of Betoptic S eye drop dispensers in multiple quantities of 5 ml. Buy Betoptic S from North Drug Store for quick delivery and low price guarantee.
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