Buy Celontin from Canadian & International Pharmacies
Celontin (Methsuximide)
and/or alternatives-
Celontin 300mg from $1.53 USD/capsuleCelontin 300mg
Manufactured by: ERFA Canada Inc.
Product of Canada. Shipped from Canada
RxPrescription RequiredCurrently Unavailable
Basic Information On Celontin
Celontin is an anti epileptic drug used to control seizures. It is specifically used to treat absence seizures in children and adults. Absence seizures are characterized by lack of any visible signs of a seizure like twitching and convulsing. The individual mostly looks dazed and hallucinated during such a seizure. The Celotin drug is mostly used with other anticonvulsants.
Precautions/Side Effects For Celontin
Common side effects of Celontin or Methsuximide include drowsiness, which is characteristic of all anti-epileptic drugs, nausea and persistent headaches. You may also experience prolonged sense of confusion when your body is adjusting to the medication. Allergic reactions result in hives and itching. More serious side effects of brand or generic Celontin include a skin rash on the face and cheeks that can worsen, fever and chills, difficulty urinating and jaundice. You may also have joint ache and muscle pains.
Methsuximide can lead to decrease in counts of platelets, red and white blood cells. Reduction in platelets can decrease the clotting ability of blood. You can become anemic due to decreased red blood cells. Many individuals also catch cold and chills as a result of decreased white cell counts. Liver damage is a serious side effect that is highly likely. If you have an already existing liver condition, then brand or generic Celontin should not be taken. Pregnant women must discuss continual use of the mediation as Celontin can harm the fetus. If your doctor thinks that the benefits of being seizure free outweigh possible harm to the fetus, the medication may be continued. Preventing seizures is important in a pregnant woman as it can cause great damage and sometimes can be fatal to the fetus.
Celontin Dosage
The medication is started on a trial basis. The dosage starts at 300mg per day and may be increased in counts of 300 mg up to a daily dose of 1.2g. The increase in dosage, if required, is done on weekly basis. There is no common standard, as the tolerance to brand or generic Celontin varies in different people. Children may start with a dosage lower than 300 mg. Missed dosage should not be compensated. When withdrawing the drug, the dosage is decreased in a slow manner to prevent withdrawal symptoms.
Buy Celontin From North Drug Store
It is easy to order Celontin 300 mg from North Drug Store. When you buy Celontin, you can be certain of delivery within 7 - 10 business days.
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