Buy Desowen Cream from Canadian & International Pharmacies
Desowen Cream (Desonide)
and/or alternatives-
Desowen 0.05% from $0.59 USD/gramDesowen 0.05%
Manufactured by: Galderma
Product of India. Shipped from India
RxPrescription Required
Desonide 0.05% from $0.61 USD/gramDesonide 0.05%
Generic Alternative to Desowen Cream
Marketed as PDP-Desonide in Canada
Manufactured by: Pharmaceutical Div Pfizer
Product of Canada. Shipped from Canada
RxPrescription Required
Basic Information On DesOwen
DesOwen is an anti-pruritic and anti-inflammatory medicine and is meant for dermatological use only. This drug decreases the actions of inflammation causing chemicals in the body. The medicine is used for treating itching and inflammation of the skin. Such inflammation may be caused by various types of skin conditions such as allergic reactions, psoriasis and eczema. You should use this drug as prescribed on the label. You may also consult your physician and take the medicine accordingly. The DesOwen drug gets absorbed by the skin and therefore, you may experience some side effects related to steroids. You should also take care not to cover the treated area with a covering or a bandage. However, you may do so if it has been prescribed by your doctor.
Precautions / Side Effects Of DesOwen
This medicine contains Desonide Topical as its main ingredient. You should avoid taking this medicine if you are prone to having allergic reactions to this substance. Also inform your health care provider about any other allergies you may have. You should also disclose information about any skin condition you have. Brand or generic DesOwen starts to show its actions within 2 weeks of use. If you do not see any improvement in your condition in this time period, then you should consult your physician.
If Desonide Topical is being administered to a child, then extra precautions should be taken, as children are more prone to absorb the medicine in large quantity. If you think your child is not growing properly, then you should tell your doctor. Brand or generic DesOwen is not prescribed to be taken by patients with diabetes. This medicine may increase the sugar level in blood or urine and thus may aggravate your condition.
DesOwen Dosage
This medicine is prescribed to be applied to the affected skin area two to three times daily. The severity of your condition will determine the exact dosage. DesOwen should be applied as a thin layer. When your condition has been treated, you should stop using this medicine. However, if you do not see any improvement in your condition during this time period then you should ask your doctor for reassessment of your diagnosis. You should shake the lotion well, before using this medicine.
Buy DesOwen From North Drug Store
North Drug Store supplies brand or generic DesOwen 0.05%. You can buy DesOwen from North Drug Store as we are a online prescription service and offer a low price guarantee.
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