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Requip (Ropinirole Hydrochloride)

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Full information about Requip

Basic Information On Requip

Requip is indicated for treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS). PD is a disease, which affects the central nervous system. The characteristics of PD are degeneration of motor functions (walking, moving arms or neck, eye-hand coordination etc.) and speaking may become progressively slower and defunct. Rigidity of facial muscles and drooling are the other symptoms, very noticeable with this disease. PD is normally caused by a drop in dopamine production in the brain. Noticeable symptoms of the Restless Legs Syndrome, also called Ekbom Syndrome are: compulsive shaking or moving the legs, which is followed by discomfort or disagreeable sensations.

Surprisingly, movement generally ameliorates these symptoms, while rest exacerbates them! Sleeping may also become difficult in some cases. Requip drug increases dopamine production in the brain and thereby controls the disease.

Precautions/ Side Effects For Requip

Brand or generic Requip (ropinirole) is a dopamine agonist. To put it simply, the chemical binds itself to the protein molecules (receptors) in the nerve- cells that produce dopamine and increases dopamine generation. Dopamine in turn reduces the symptoms. Exercise care, when getting up from a lying down or sitting position, to avoid falling. Syncope, or Orthostatic hypotension, may affect you, when taking dopamine enhancers. Discuss certain body and life-style conditions like hepatic impairment, pregnancy, breast-feeding and other medication (CYP1A2 inhibitors, in particular) with your doctor, before starting this therapy.

Brand or generic Requip/ropinirole may cause side effects like, dizziness, nausea, dyskinesia or somnolence. Be vigilant while driving or operating moving machinery, because you may suddenly feel sleepy when taking this medicine. Taking Requip with food may ameliorate nausea. Check if you notice hallucinations, confusion, urinary tract infections abdominal pain, pharyngitis, or abnormal vision. These adverse reactions have been reported in rare cases. The adverse reactions vary, depending on whether you have been prescribed Requip for early Parkinson’s disease or its advanced stage and along with L-Dopa or without it. Proper dosage management would mitigate the reactions. Follow the medical advice.

Requip Dosage

Requip is to be started with 0.25 mg dosage and with gradual increase in dosage. Take the drug, one to three hours before bedtime. The titration (concentration) of the drug in the body has to be increased gradually. To facilitate this, you will get a kit when you buy Requip. Obtain regular medical advice regarding the usage of this kit and strictly follow the dosage. If you are restarting the therapy after discontinuing it for a long time, for any reason, re-titration will be necessary. Avoid over dosage (likely because of impaired memory). Follow the prescription carefully.

Buy Requip From North Drug Store

At North Drug Store, we stock Requip tablets in 0.25 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg and 5 mg dosages. Parkinson’s disease affects memory. Buy Requip from North Drug Store and avail the free refill reminder service, to ensure that you never run out of the medicine.

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