Buy Zemplar from Canadian & International Pharmacies
Zemplar (Paricalcitol)
and/or alternatives-
Zemplar 1mcg from $7.84 USD/tabletZemplar 1mcg
Manufactured by: Abbott Laboratories Ltd.
Product of United Kingdom. Shipped from United Kingdom
RxPrescription Required -
Zemplar 2mcg from $11.89 USD/capsuleZemplar 2mcg
Manufactured by: Abbott Laboratories Ltd.
Product of United Kingdom. Shipped from United Kingdom
RxPrescription Required -
Zemplar 4mcg from $23.74 USD/capsuleZemplar 4mcg
Manufactured by: Abbott Laboratories Ltd.
Product of United Kingdom. Shipped from United Kingdom
RxPrescription RequiredCurrently Unavailable
Basic Information On Zemplar
Zemplar is a synthetic, human-made form of vitamin D. This vitamin is important for the absorption of calcium from the stomach. It is also important for the functioning of calcium in the body. This drug is used to treat over- activity of the parathyroid gonad, which is also known as second hyperparathyroidism. The drug acts by hindering the formation and release of parathyroid hormone. You should not use this drug if you are allergic to vitamin D. The Zemplar drug should also not be used by patients with high concentration of vitamin D or calcium in their body. You should inform your doctor before starting this medicine, if you suffer from high blood pressure or electrolyte imbalance.
Precautions / Side Effects For Zemplar
Do not overdose on this drug. The main symptoms of the over-dosage are weakness, headache and drowsiness. It may also cause unusual thought, or severe pain in upper stomach. If you experience any of these symptoms, then you should take your doctor’s advice immediately. Brand or generic Zemplar should not be used with calcium supplements or antacids, until or unless advised by your doctor. The main ingredient of this drug is Paricalcitol.
Zemplar should not be taken if you suffer from liver disease. It is not known whether Paricalcitol may harm an unborn baby. Therefore, you should remain cautious about taking this drug while you are pregnant. Consult your doctor in this condition. Take the similar precaution if you get pregnant while using brand or generic Zemplar. If you are nursing a baby, talk with your physician about your situation. Your doctor may have to change your dosage.
Zemplar Dosage
Dosage for this medicine varies from person to person, depending on particular conditions. The dosage may range from daily, to thrice a week. If you are on a thrice a week routine, then you should not take this medicine more frequently than every other day. This medicine may be taken with or without food. Patients with mild or moderate hepatic impairment do not need to adjust their dosage. This medicine is available in different strengths of 1 mcg, 2 mcg or 4 mcg. Zemplar is available in capsule from. It should ideally be stored at the temperature of 25 degree Celsius. However, the temperature may vary between 15 degree and 30 degree Celsius.
Buy Zemplar From North Drug Store
North Drug Store has Zemplar in 30 capsules packing. You should buy Zemplar from North Drug Store as it is a recognized mail order pharmacy.
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