Buy Zinacef Injection from Canadian & International Pharmacies
Zinacef Injection (Cefuroxime Sodium)
and/or alternatives-
Zinacef 1.5g/Vial from $3.93 USD/vialZinacef 1.5g/Vial
Manufactured by: GlaxoSmithKline UK Ltd
Product of United Kingdom. Shipped from United Kingdom
RxPrescription Required* Stable for shipping as it is not pre-mixed. -
Zinacef 250mg/Vial from $8.33 USD/vialZinacef 250mg/Vial
Manufactured by: GlaxoSmithKline UK Ltd
Product of United Kingdom. Shipped from United Kingdom
RxPrescription Required* Stable for shipping as it is not pre-mixed. -
Zinacef 750mg/Vial from $10.33 USD/vialZinacef 750mg/Vial
Manufactured by: GlaxoSmithKline UK Ltd
Product of United Kingdom. Shipped from United Kingdom
RxPrescription Required* Stable for shipping as it is not pre-mixed.
General Information on Zinacef Injection
Zinacef Injection is a cephalosporin antibiotic which works by killing certain infection-causing bacteria. This particular injection has the generic name cefuroxime, and you can buy Zinacef Injection for treating bacterial infections that may occur before, during and after undergoing certain surgeries.
Zinacef Injection is available in the form of vials containing an off-white crystalline powder form of the medication. The injection is also available in the form of frozen solution that must always be stored above -20 degrees Celsius.
Side effects of Zinacef Injection
Zinacef Injection may cause certain side effects. The most common side effects associated with this drug are redness, pain or swelling at the area of injection. These side effects are mild and transient, and they usually subside on their own.
On the other hand, Zinacef Injection may also cause serious side effects that may require immediate medical attention. These side effects are quite rare, and they include the following:
- Bloody or black stools
- Reduced or no urination
- Sore throat, chills, fever
- Hearing loss
- Seizures
- Severe diarrhea
- Vomiting or nausea
- Abdominal cramps or pain
- Unusual bleeding or bruising
- Vein swelling at the site of injection
- Abnormal vaginal discharge or irritation
There is a greater risk of re-infection or a second infection if Zinacef Injection is given for a long period of time or repeatedly. The above mentioned side effects may occur during the administration of Zinacef Injection or even several months afterwards. You must look for such side effects for many months after Zinacef treatment was completed. If you suffer from diarrhea, you must not treat it yourself without informing your doctor about it.
The risk of side effects associated with Zinacef Injection is even greater if it is administered in children who are 3 months or younger or elderly patients. This injection must also be administered carefully to children below the age of 10 years who also suffer from a stomach infection, bowel infection, or diarrhea.
Dosage of Zinacef Injection
Zinacef Injection is generally given in a hospital or office setting. If the injection has been prescribed by your doctor for home use, you would also be instructed on the correct procedure of administration. You must follow your doctor’s instructions carefully. Do not self-administer Zinacef Injection unless you are completely sure about the procedure. If you have any doubts, you can ask your doctor or pharmacist or refer to the patient information leaflet that you get when you buy Zinacef Injection.
Zinacef Injection must be administered as per the doctor’s advice for the complete duration of treatment, even if your symptoms wane and you feel better before completing the treatment. By stopping Zinacef Injection administration before completion of treatment, you would increase the risk of a re-infection and also reduce the efficacy of Zinacef.
Zinacef Injection may interact with other antibiotics used for treatment. Your doctor must be aware of any non-prescribed or prescribed drugs you are taking before and during treatment with Zinacef Injection.
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