Buy Zoysn from Canadian & International Pharmacies
Zoysn (Piperacillin/Tazobactam)
and/or alternatives-
Zoysn Injection 4gm/0.5gm from $59.50 USD/vialZoysn Injection 4gm/0.5gm
Marketed as Tazocin Injection in European Union
Manufactured by: Pfizer Ltd
Product of United Kingdom. Shipped from United Kingdom
RxPrescription RequiredCurrently Unavailable
General Information On Zosyn
Zosyn is a prescription drug approved for treating moderate to serious nosocomial pneumonia caused by bacteria which produce anti-piperacillin beta lactamase. Apart from treating nosocomial pneumonia, Zosyn is also used for treating bacterial infections such as stomach infections, severe vaginal infections, urinary tract infections, bone and joint infections, and skin infections. The generic name of Zosyn is piperacillin and tazobactam, and it belongs to the class of antibiotics.
The active ingredient in Zosyn, piperacillin, is a form of penicillin, and tazobactam, the other active ingredient in the drug, is also an antibiotic similar to penicillin. Both these ingredients help fight bacterial infections. Zosyn is available only in injection form and is administered in the vein via an IV. Typically, Zosyn is mixed with a diluent and administered given slowly since the IV infusion takes about 30 minutes.
Side effects of Zosyn
Just like other antibiotics, Zosyn has its share of potential side effects. The severity of side effects may vary from patient to patient depending on their condition, the severity of the infection, and the type of other medications used. However, not all patients using Zosyn experience side effects. In fact, most side effects are minor.
The common side effects of Zosyn are :
- Unexplained vaginal discharge or vaginal itching
- mild pain or swelling in the area where the injected was administered
- mild stomach pain, headache, or dizziness
- lack of sleep
- mild diarrhea, constipation, or runny nose
- Itching or skin rashes
The rare but serious side effects of Zosyn are
- Pale or dark colored urine or burning sensation while urinating
- constant feeling of thirst, increased heart rate, inability to concentrate
- body aches, muscle weakness, appearance of purple or red spots beneath the skin at the site of the injection
- appearance of sores or white patches in the mouth or on the lips
- continuous bloody or watery diarrhea
If you experience any of the above mentioned side effects, you must immediately report the same to your doctor.
You must not buy Zosyn if you are allergic to:
- penicillin
- amoxicillin
- ticarillin
Before you buy Zosyn online, you must inform your doctor if you have health problems such as:
- history of allergies
- kidney disease or blood clotting disorder
- cystic fibrosis
Dosage of Zosyn
Doctors determine the Zosyn dosage after carefully assessing a patient’s condition and the severity of the infection. Typically, the drug is administered for about 7 to 10 days. If you buy Zosyn and wish to use it at home, you must strictly adhere to your doctor’s instructions on administering the shot the right way. Using a larger dose than recommended or taking Zosyn for longer than prescribed may increase the risk of side effects.
If you are using the drug at home, make sure that you do not mix the medicine in the syringe or IV bag until you are ready to administer the shot.
Before using Zosyn, inform your doctor about the other medicines or supplements you are using. This is because Zosyn can cause adverse drug interactions if used along with other medications. Zosyn can potentially interact with:
- Anagrelide
- Clopidogrel
- Dalteparin
- Bivalirudin
- Urokinase
- Heparin
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