Buy Rifadin from Canadian & International Pharmacies
Rifadin (Rifampin)
and/or alternatives-
Rifadin 150mg from $0.84 USD/capsuleRifadin 150mg
Manufactured by: Sanofi Aventis
Product of United Kingdom. Shipped from United Kingdom
RxPrescription Required -
Rifadin 300mg from $1.16 USD/capsuleRifadin 300mg
Manufactured by: Sanofi Aventis
Product of United Kingdom. Shipped from United Kingdom
RxPrescription Required
Rifampin 150mg from $0.53 USD/capsuleRifampin 150mg
Generic Alternative to Rifadin
Marketed as R Cin in India
Manufactured by: Lupin Pharma
Product of India. Shipped from India
RxPrescription Required -
Rifampin 300mg from $0.53 USD/capsuleRifampin 300mg
Generic Alternative to Rifadin
Marketed as R Cin in India
Manufactured by: Lupin Pharma
Product of India. Shipped from India
RxPrescription Required
General Information on Rifadin
Rifadin is an antibiotic. It prevents bacteria from spreading in your body. Its generic name is Rifampin. It is used to treat and prevent tuberculosis. Rifadin may also be used to eliminate bacteria from your nose or throat which could cause meningitis, even if you don’t have it.
Rifadin helps in preventing the bacteria that cause tuberculosis to spread in your body, but it will not directly treat the infection. It targets RNA-polymerase, which is a bacterial enzyme. The bacteria use this enzyme to create proteins and copy their DNA. Without this enzyme they cannot reproduce and they eventually die. Rifadin is administered as syrups, capsules and intravenous infusion. It comes in two strengths- Rifadin 300mg and Rifadin 150 mg.
Rifadin can make birth control pills less effective. Before you buy Rifadin, consult your doctor if you are allergic to any drugs or have liver disease.
Side effects of Rifadin
Given below are some of the major side effects of Rifadin; you must contact your doctor immediately or it could lead to serious problem. They are:
- Fever, chills, body ache, flu symptoms
- Joint pain, swelling
- Easy bruising/bleeding, weakness
- nausea, stomach pain, loss of appetite
- clay colored stool, jaundice
The less severe and manageable side effects are given below:
- feeling tired
- red or orange colored urine, stool, tears, sweat or saliva
This medicine can harm an unborn baby. Before you buy Rifadin, make sure you consult your doctor about all your allergies, previous health problems and pregnancy if you are in the phase or planning for it.
Dosage of Rifadin
For treating tuberculosis, adults should take 10mg/kg daily but not exceeding 600mg/day. Pediatric patients should be given 10-20mg/kg but not exceeding 600mg/day.
For Meningococcal carries, adults should take 600mg twice a day for 2 days. Pediatric patients, 1 month or older, should be given 10mg not exceeding 600mg/day after every 12 hours for 2 days. Pediatric patients, under 1 month of age, should be given 5 mg not exceeding 600mg/day after every 12 hours for 2 days.
Take the medication exactly as prescribed by the doctor. Take the Rifadin capsule on an empty stomach, 1 or 2 hours before or after meals. Swallow it with a glass full of water. Your symptoms may improve before the infection is cleared, but take it for the full prescribed time.
562 drugs and 6 diseases are known to interact with Rifadin. Out of the drug interactions, 43 are major, 376 are moderate and 145 are minor drug interactions. Some of the major drug interactions are given below:
- Bactrim
- Cozaar
- Glimpiride
- Metoprolol
- Simvastatin
- Synthroid
- Tamoxifen
The diseases that may interact with Rifadin are:
- Colitis
- Hematopoietic Disturbances
- Hepatotoxicity
- Liver Disease
- Porphyria
- Enzyme Induction
Thus, before you buy Rifadin, you should consult your doctor in case of any allergies and past medical history.
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