Buy Taclonex Ointment from Canadian & International Pharmacies
Taclonex Ointment (Betamethasone Dipropionate/Calcipotriol)
and/or alternatives-
Taclonex 0.064%/0.005% from $1.44 USD/gramTaclonex 0.064%/0.005%
Marketed as Daivobet Ointment in New Zealand
Manufactured by: Leo Pharma Ltd
Product of New Zealand. Shipped from New Zealand
RxPrescription Required
Taclonex 0.064%/0.005% is also available from United KingdomTaclonex 0.064%/0.005% from $1.86 USD/gramTaclonex 0.064%/0.005%Marketed as Dovobet Ointment in European Union
Manufactured by: Leo Pharma Ltd
Product of United Kingdom. Shipped from United Kingdom
RxPrescription Required
General Information on Taclonex Ointment
The generic name of Taclonex Ointment is Betamethasone or Calcipotriene. Taclonex Ointment contains 0.005% of calcipotriene and 0.064% of betamethasone dipropionate. Taclonex Ointment is primarily used for treatment of psoriasis vulgaris. Taclonex Ointment is a combination of an agent that has similar characteristics as Vitamin D and a topical corticosteroid. You can buy Taclonex Ointment online or from a pharmacy.
Side effects of Taclonex Ointment
Taclonex Ointment has very few side effects and most of them are mild in nature. Some of the most common side effects include headache, dry skin, itching on the skin, mild burning sensation at the site of application and throat irritation. There are certain side effects that might be persistent and can lead to severe symptoms. You need to consult a doctor if you have symptoms like skin rashes, hives, or swelling of the face, mouth, tongue, and lips.
Some of the other symptoms and side effects of Taclonex Ointment that require immediate medical assistance include tightness in the chest, difficulty breathing, irritation followed by acne-like rashes, cracking of the skin, redness of the skin, peeling skin, excessive hair growth, inflammation around your mouth, inflamed hair follicles, softening, thinning, and discoloration of your skin, muscle weakness, and sudden weight gain, especially around your face.
Before you buy Taclonex Ointment and start applying it, there are certain precautions you need to take. First ensure that the ointment in not expired. Secondly, consult your doctor about your medical history before starting Taclonex Ointment treatment. If you are allergic to any active or inactive ingredients in the medication, your doctor needs to be informed of the same. You need to also consult your doctor if you are suffering from any viral infection, any other type of psoriasis, whether exfoliative or erythrodermic, and any tuberculosis (TB) skin infection. If you are planning to become pregnant or are pregnant or breastfeeding, then you need to inform your doctor about the same.
Taclonex Ointment Dosage
Taclonex Ointment is available in Taclonex Ointment 60g and 100g strengths. Doctors normally recommend that the ointment therapy be started using Taclonex Ointment 60g. You can check the label for the dosage or apply it as prescribed by your doctor. You should wash your hands before applying Taclonex Ointment 100g. Squeeze out a pea sized amount and apply it on the affected area. Slowly rub the ointment in to evenly distribute it. Once you have applied the ointment, don't cover the area with a cloth or bandage. Let it dry. If you miss a dose of Taclonex Ointment, then apply it immediately, but don’t take a double dose to make up for the missed dose. You need to store Taclonex Ointment 60g at room temperature at around 200C to 250C.
Taclonex Ointment is not known to have any drug interactions. However, inform your doctor if you are already taking any other prescribed or over-the-counter drugs or herbal medicines or if you are suffering from liver or kidney problems before you buy Taclonex Ointment.
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