Buy Xyntha from Canadian & International Pharmacies
Xyntha (Antihemophilic Factor)
and/or alternatives-
Xyntha 500IU from $593.33 USD/vialXyntha 500IU
Marketed as Recombinate Injection in Turkey
Manufactured by: Eczacibasi Baxter
Product of Turkey. Shipped from Turkey
RxPrescription Required -
Xyntha 1000IU from $1,102.67 USD/vialXyntha 1000IU
Marketed as Recombinate Injection in Turkey
Manufactured by: Eczacibasi Baxter
Product of Turkey. Shipped from Turkey
RxPrescription Required
Basic Information On Xyntha
Xyntha is used for helping blood to clot. The medicine works by temporarily increasing the level of factor VIII in the blood which aids the process of clotting. This medicine is thus used for controlling bleeding episodes. The drug may be used for adults as well as children. Xyntha is also used for controlling bleeding in the case of surgery in a person suffering from hemophilia. However, this drug is not use for treating von Willebrand disease. Antihemophilic factor in the blood helps the clotting process. A person with lack of anithelophilic factor VIII may suffer from hemophilia A. Your body may develop antibodies to this drug. If it seems that the drug is not working effectively enough, you should bring this development to your doctor’s notice.
Precautions / Side Effects Of Xyntha
Go for regular checkups while you are on this drug. The tests are to ensure that the drug is working to help your condition and is not causing any harm. You should also carry an ID card or any other sign stating that you have hemophilia. This is helpful for the doctors treating you. Brand or generic Xyntha may cause harm to an unborn baby. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant or get pregnant during the treatment. This drug contains antihemophilic factor.
It is not known whether antihemophilic factor passes into breast milk or not, therefore, be careful if you are nursing a child. Brand or generic Xyntha is administered as an injection. The injection is given into a vein through a needle. Do not inject yourself if you do not know the proper procedure. You should also make sure that the person administering this injection washes their hands before preparing and injecting this medicine.
Xyntha Dosage
Xyntha should be prepared following Aseptic technique. The medicine is supplied in different dosage form i.e. 250 IU, 500 IU, 1000 IU, 2000 IU. The drug should be stored under refrigeration. The temperature should be between 2 degree and 8 degree Celsius. Alternatively, it can be stored at room temperature for a maximum period of three months. After these three months, the drug should be used immediately or should be discarded. The drug should not be used after the expiration date mentioned on its packaging.
Buy Xyntha From North Drug Store
North Drug Store supplies brand or generic Xyntha in 1, 2, 3 and 6 vials. You can buy Xyntha from North Drug Store as we are a online prescription service.
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