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Riomet (Metformin Hydrochloride)
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Riomet 500mg/5mL from $1.32 USD/mlRiomet 500mg/5mL
Marketed as Metsol in European Union
Manufactured by: Kappin
Product of United Kingdom. Shipped from United Kingdom
RxPrescription Required
Metformin Hydrochloride 500mg/5mL from $0.35 USD/mlMetformin Hydrochloride 500mg/5mL
Generic Alternative to Riomet
Manufactured by: A UK MHRA approved Generic Manufacturer
Product of United Kingdom. Shipped from United Kingdom
RxPrescription Required
General Information on Metsol Solution
Metsol Solution is used to manage blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. It is specifically recommended when diet and/or exercise alone are not adequate to control blood sugar levels.
Metformin Hydrochloride, the main active ingredient in the medication belongs to a group of medicines known as biguanides. It works in different ways to control blood sugar levels.
Firstly, Metformin Hydrochloride cuts down the production of sugar by cells in the liver. Secondly, the drug improves sensitivity of muscles cells which helps them remove sugar from the blood. Besides, it delays the process of absorption of sugar into the blood stream from the intestines after eating. Thus, Metformin Hydrochloride works to lower the blood sugar levels between meals and after meals.
Metsol Solution is available in the form of an oral solution. It is a prescription medication which means you are required to consult a doctor before you buy Metsol Solution.
Side effects of Metsol Solution
Metsol Solution may cause mild to severe side effects in some people. The side effects caused by the medication can be categorized into very common side effects, common side effects and rare side effects.
The most common side effects include the following: loss of appetite, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting. Common side effects: taste disturbance (metallic taste). Very rare side effects include: skin reactions such as flushing, rashes or itching, increased level of lactic acid in the blood, reduced absorption of vitamin B12 after long term use. Please keep in mind that this is not a complete list of side effects.
You need to consult your doctor if any side effects stay for long time or become bothersome. It is not necessary that every person using Metsol Solution will experience some side effect. Many people using this medication do not complain about any side effects.
Metsol Solution should not be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers. They should learn about the risks and benefits of using the drug from their doctor before buying and using Metsol Solution.
Dosage of Metsol Solution
Your doctor will give you specific instructions regarding the dosage. The recommended adult dosage is 500mg of Metsol Solution (5ml spoonful) 2 or 3 times daily. You need to take the dose with meal or immediately after a meal. Doctor will change the dosage after studying your blood sugar level reports during treatment.
The doctor may recommend different dosage to elderly patients. The medication should not be given to children below 10 years of age. Do not take more than recommended quantity of Metsol Solution. Do not stop taking medication without consulting your doctor.
If you are using other medicines then there is a possibility of Metsol Solution interacting with them and causing side effects. It may interact with medications such as beta-2-agonists, corticosteroids, Lithium, diuretics, oral contraceptives or medicines containing estrogen and progesterone, ACE inhibitors, MAOI antidepressants, other anti-diabetic medicines, Cimetidine or Antihistamine Ketotifen.
Before you buy Metsol Solution, tell doctor about every medication you are using, including prescription medications, over the counter drugs, and herbal supplements you are using.
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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: All medical content is supplied by a third party company who is independent from this web site. As such, this web site can not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, and /or medical efficacy of the information provided. In all circumstances, you should seek the advice of a health professional pertaining to drug, treatment and/or medical condition advice. Note that not all products are shipped by our contracted Canadian pharmacy. This website contracts with dispensaries around the world that ship products directly to our customers. Some of the jurisdiction include but are not limited to United Kingdom, Europe, Turkey, India, Canada, Vanuatu, Mauritius, and USA. The items within your order may be shipped from any one of these jurisdiction depending on the availability and cost of the products at the time you place your order. The products are sourced from these countries as well as others. Please note that the product appearance may vary from actual product received depending on availability.